MENGUAL ALEXANDRI, EVA COMANEGRA Ref. 9788416033225 Altres productes del mateix autor
    Take me along on the Camino de Santiago with you, and I'll be the best companion you could imagine! We can do the whole 34-day journey together, from Saint-Jean-Pied-de-Port to Santiago de Compostela, or maybe just part of it, it's up to you. I'll recommend all the best places to visit on each step ...
    Ancho: 128 cm Largo: 182 cm Peso: 250 gr
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    14,50 €
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    • Encuadernació : MobilPocket
    Take me along on the Camino de Santiago with you, and I'll be the best companion you could imagine! We can do the whole 34-day journey together, from Saint-Jean-Pied-de-Port to Santiago de Compostela, or maybe just part of it, it's up to you. I'll recommend all the best places to visit on each step of the journey and leave blank spaces for you to fill with your experiences. You'll find all the basic information that you'll need here, plus interesting details, quotes, poems and songs to reflect on, and questions and games to keep you entertained.

    And when you finish your Camino, you'll have me to look back on. So... shall we get started?

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