GELI JULBE, LAURA EDITORIAL GREGAL BIOGRAFIES I MEMORIES Ref. 9788418063121 Altres productes de la mateixa col·lecció Altres productes del mateix autor
    As the Coordinator for Donations of the Josep Trueta Hospital in Girona, I find myself in one of the most sensitive fields of medicine. I talk to families in the most challenging moments of their lives to ask them: Have you thought about organ donation?This tragedy enlightens another dark horizon of...
    Dimensions: 207 x 142 x 10 cm Peso: 30 gr
    Sense estoc
    15,00 €
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    • ISBN : 978-84-18063-12-1
    • Data d'edició : 01/10/2019
    • Any d'edició : 2019
    • Idioma : Inglés
    • Autors : GELI JULBE, LAURA
    • Nº de pàgines : 150
    • Col·lecció : TESTIMONIS
    As the Coordinator for Donations of the Josep Trueta Hospital in Girona, I find myself in one of the most sensitive fields of medicine. I talk to families in the most challenging moments of their lives to ask them: Have you thought about organ donation?This tragedy enlightens another dark horizon of the future with a light of hope, as Laura Geli suggests in this book.Let›s transform that pain in a helpful and solidary act towards others. Núria MasNou, doctor

    It wasnt until I read Laura Geli that I understood for the first time the importance of organ donation and what a process like that does to the body and the soul. That kind of ability for quivering our heart while enlighting our minds should always be the main aim of literature. Muriel VillaNueVa, writer

    In the journey of life, Laura used to walk alone; now she has the organ of her donor as a companion. Two lives with the same footsteps and new hope. Martí MaNyalich, doctor

    The short stories of Restart are a gift of the writer›s essence. Her personal experience is ours, her suffering is contagious, with a moving and fascinating naturality. In chronological order, the different stories become a whole one piece that narrates her lived experiences with a personal, non-classifiable, kind, honest and direct style. A book that won›t leave anyone indifferent. I am sure. Elisabet JuNcà, philosopher and poetLast

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