GONZÁLEZ, OLALLA KALANDRAKA ÀLBUM IL·LUSTRAT Ref. 9788484643241 Altres productes de la mateixa col·lecció Altres productes del mateix autor
    A new brother or sister is coming, so this raises the curiosityof the protagonist of "A bigger family", a story for first readersthat stands out for its repetitive structure on three levels:for how many times Little Rabbit asks his mother aboutwhen the baby will be born; the same to other inhabitant...
    Ancho: 185 cm Largo: 225 cm Peso: 250 gr
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    15,00 €
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    • ISBN : 978-84-8464-324-1
    • Data d'edició : 13/09/2017
    • Any d'edició : 0
    • Idioma : Inglés
    • Autors : GONZÁLEZ, OLALLA
    • Traductors : SCHIMEL, LAWRENCE
    • Ilustradors : TAEGER, MARC
    • Nº de pàgines : 40
    • Col·lecció : EARLY READERS
    A new brother or sister is coming, so this raises the curiosity
    of the protagonist of "A bigger family", a story for first readers
    that stands out for its repetitive structure on three levels:
    for how many times Little Rabbit asks his mother about
    when the baby will be born; the same to other inhabitants
    of the forest announcing the good news and inquiring them
    his insistent question; and how Little Rabbit imagines the games they will share when the baby is born.

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