GARCÍA GARCÍA, ANA LA GALERA Ref. 9788424652272 Altres productes de la mateixa col·lecció Altres productes del mateix autor
    Madrid from the children's point of view, for the little ones: the Plaza Mayor, the Cibeles, the Prado's Museum, the Retiro's Park - there are so many beautiful places to go. Tith this story you will enjoy the city with our kids. With a foldout map!
    Ancho: 240 cm Largo: 240 cm Peso: 180 gr
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    7,95 €
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    • Encuadernació : MobilPocket
    Madrid from the children's point of view, for the little ones: the Plaza Mayor, the Cibeles, the Prado's Museum, the Retiro's Park - there are so many beautiful places to go. Tith this story you will enjoy the city with our kids. With a foldout map!

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